The doors to a free lunch propped open by Home Office(as usual)

August 28, 2006 at 8:20 pm | Posted in Politics, Scottish Raj, stupidity | Leave a comment

The claims by the Raj Home Office, that they do actually bother to stop the mass stampede for benefits and free housing,free NHS and all the tax payers money they can swindle from the system,have yet again been shown to be a big fat pile of bollocks.

I am so glad to see the kind of QUALITY people they pay, it’s an inspiration.

No ones fat in Scotland or Wales then?

August 25, 2006 at 7:26 pm | Posted in BBC, England, Health related, NHS, Northern Ireland, Politics, Scotland, Sport, Wales | Leave a comment

According to the BBC,the UK Government is sticking it’s nose into only England’s health!,(like we need a load more Scottish people telling us about issues in ENGLAND that don’t concern them!)

Anyway,they report that England will have 13 million overweight persons by 2010,the UK Government are quoted as saying.

“We are intervening and helping to make a difference, but we want today’s figures to act as a stark reminder of the problem we and our children will face if we don’t act now and start making healthier lifestyle choices.”

Hold on a minute buckaroo,we and our children?

So let me get this straight,a bunch of foreigners from Scotland,Wales,Ireland and elsewhere,who are supposed to run the UK,ie Scotland,Wales,England and NI want to pester only English kids?

how does that make only English kids OUR CHILDREN,

Is there not a stark reminder of a problem for plump kiddies in Scotland?…..NO,well how about Wales then,how are rounder children going to cope in Wales without UK Gov interference?

Why is the UK Government making rules up for us, but appear blind to what should be their responsibility to ALL children in the UK!!

Given practically all UK Gov Ministers are Scottish, you have to wonder why it’s any of their damn business ordering ONLY ENGLISH KIDS AROUND.

To add salt to this open case of dictatorship to only them damn English scum,the UK Gov have appointed a Fitness Minister...but only for England(what a big fat shock I’m overcome)

Public Health minister Caroline Flint has been given the task of getting people to boost their activity levels.

She wants people to build physical activity into their daily routines to create a healthier nation in the run-up to the 2012 Olympics.

A healthier Nation,who exactly is she talking about,is it England? it can’t be!, according to the UK Gov,England isn’t a Country but a collection of regions….hhmm.

And what about the Olympics?,England doesn’t go to the Olympics,we don’t have a team,so how can making England healthier help for a Country without an Olympic Team?,you would of thought that as virtually everyone in the UK Gov is Scottish they would care a little more about their own Countries health,but apparently not!

So what team is this exactly,I can only assume it’s one with fat unfit people from Scotland,with a few plump Welsh persons to make up the numbers.

Ms Flint will be working across all government departments to develop a new fitness strategy for England.

What a nice job, a UK Gov flunky,who by definition should be looking after the health of all UK persons,only needs to swan around England,well isn’t my tax money going to good use!.

He we have another crystal clear example of Colonial law working in the 21st Century,the Scots ,who run Britain,are quite happy for Scotland and Wales,plus NI to decide for themselves how sturdier people are to be helped,but like nothing more than to pretend that their policy is somehow aimed at ALL the UK but is in actual fact aimed squarely at US, the English,yet of course,NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING!.

So for the record,how many overweight persons are there going to be in Scotland or Wales by 2010 then?

do they know?

do they care?

And why does no one give out the figures?

How can there be a British Government,when they seem either unwilling or unable to actually govern Britain?,they exist yet have no function!.

Nice to know I’m wanted

August 22, 2006 at 7:36 pm | Posted in England, Human Rights, Politics | Leave a comment

According to Nigel Hastilow,my 37 year old white Male social group has won the wet fish in the face award for easy target No1.


NICE give Bowel Cancer patients shovel,and tell them to “dig”

August 21, 2006 at 6:08 pm | Posted in Bowel Cancer Drug, England, Equal opportunities, Health related, Politics, Scottish Raj, Wales | Leave a comment

NICE have not lived up to their name again having just cut the legs off the introduction of two Bowel Cancer drugs in England and Wales.

“Charities have criticised a proposal to block the routine NHS use of two drugs for advanced bowel cancer.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) said there was insufficient evidence to recommend Avastin and Erbitux”.

Read all about it HERE

So now we know,patients in England are just going to DIE,thanks to bean counters.

Interestingly,according to the BBC,A similar decision has already been made in Scotland?.

This isn’t quite that black and white though,because,in England,those already on the drugs will have them stopped,and now only have digging their own grave to look forward too,BUT IN WALES,if you are on them NOW,you will continue to be covered.

Thanks to devolution,the Welsh have the good fortune of being able to decide for themselves many things,UNLIKE ENGLAND,who has no choice,however,they don’t enjoy anything like the autonomy that the Raj gave their own Country of Scotland.

An example of which is that,prior to the UK Government controlled NICE pulling the carpet from under the NHS in Wales,the Welsh had already given the two drugs the GREEN LIGHT,which you can read HERE

But the Scottish Raj slapped them down and said “NO”,which can be read HERE so it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other,patients in England will just DIE,patients in Wales at least have a lifeline,current patients will live,new ones will,like England,just fill up cemetery’s,some choice,as for those in Scotland,my bet is they will get England to pay for it for them via taxes!.

Parliament Square Demo to be held

August 17, 2006 at 1:44 pm | Posted in England, English Democrats Party, Equal opportunities, Human Rights, Politics, Scottish Raj | Leave a comment

According to the English Democrats,A demonstration to promote the issue of a National Parliament for England is planned for Wednesday, 11th October 2006, from 11am to 1pm.

Brushing out the cobwebs

August 11, 2006 at 3:16 pm | Posted in Campaign for an English Parliament, England, Politics, Scottish Raj, west lothian question | Leave a comment

Just a reminder, as to why England must continue to fight for a National Parliament.

The CEP have released their latest Summer 2006 PDF….Go read it now!

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,ignorance is bliss

August 7, 2006 at 5:28 pm | Posted in Crazy person, England, Human Rights, Islam, Muslims, Politics, Racism, sharia law, Terrorism | Leave a comment

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,is a Women who possesses a level of ignorance, which transcends any level of stupidity previously known to Human kind.

With her medal winning way of insulting the indigenous populous, bare faced racism, and an open lack of understanding of both the Country she is so proud of pissing off, and it would appear, the crushing evidence of World history and current events.

She has again glossed over the Hellish reality that is Muslim Terrorists in their millions Worldwide, and the sea of blood, and bodies that follow them, with this, boo hoo, wah, wah, crying piece of future toilet paper.

Can anyone say, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!!

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: “Stop this obsessive focus on Muslims

Talk about denial. She says

“What drives this relentless digging into our thoughts and desires, hopes and fears?”

Hey free World can anybody think of a reason why?

Perhaps 9/11 or 7/7,the Madrid bombings, the kidnappings, the open terror threats on the nightly news, shall I go on?

Hellish stories that only arrive with the word MUSLIM front and centre are quite literally a daily diet.

One only has to look at the news media HERE to see a fear drenched display of global terrorism and human rights violations of which many people in the World know little or nothing about.

Immediate examples of her sacred religion and it’s peaceful ways can be seen HERE regarding Muslim refusal to integrate with the wider society,or HERE,where a western Women is hounded by Muslims,or again and again and again,on and on examples of blood crime,death,rape,bombs.

Plus the obvious case,certainly in England,that we are surrounded,like sharks,by Muslims foaming at the mouth for an excuse to kill and Mame

I cannot fathom as to how Yasmin Alibhai-Brown can cry and say Muslims blow shit up because it’s OUR FAULT……?


So can anybody else point out to the Crown Princess of putting ones head in the sand and fingers in the ears going la,la,la,la,I no speaka da lingo,

Every word she says in support of terror is blood on her hands,so what does drive this relentless digging into our thoughts and desires, hopes and fears?”

Let’s all say it together shall we….MUSLIM TERRORISTS,

All Religions have issues but Islam is full to bursting with fruitcakes,Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,needs to smell what she is shovelling.

I dare say that if living in the free World is so crap,perhaps she might feel the need to relocate.

Have we really sunk THIS low

August 6, 2006 at 9:34 pm | Posted in Crazy person, Islam, Politics, Terrorism | Leave a comment

The UK is known throughout the World as a pink, pussy wiped,limp dick terrorist loving place that allows all the Worlds scum to live there,and gives them benefits too.

I find more evidence of this from The Jawa Report,about some mad junkie Muslim convert called Trevor Brooks, a.k.a. Abu Izzadeen.

His insane ramblings can be seen on video HERE

Now to be unpopular,but I wouldn’t lose any sleep making the Muslim,and I use the word Religion very loosely, illegal, or at least powerless to preach this bollocks via legislation, to protect the rights of the indigenous cultures of the West.


Terrorists and their butt boys give up their human rights the minute they push hate as chocolate.

The West must be protected from the Muslim cancer,in life a surgeon cuts cancer out,perhaps similar measures are needed now.

UK Government openly fabricate history…again!

August 5, 2006 at 9:15 pm | Posted in Devolution, England, Equal opportunities, Human Rights, Politics, Scottish Raj | Leave a comment

It has been widely reported that the Doomsday Book,chronicling ENGLAND in the 11th Century has been put on-line.

Fantastic,or is it?

It has also been widely reported HERE and HERE,that the UK authorities have clearly been hit on the head by a Hollywood Mogul and decided to re write history,all in the name of erasing England,both geographically,and Historically from the yet written history books to come.

The Doomsday Book is a detailed chronicle of England on and around 1085AD,it looks at life in 11th Century(ENGLAND ONLY).

You may read more HERE

The Doomsday Book is our most famous and earliest surviving public record. It is a highly detailed survey and valuation of all the land held by the King and his chief tenants, along with all the resources that went with the land in late 11th century England. The survey was a massive enterprise, and the record of that survey, Domesday Book, was a remarkable achievement.

Read more HERE

So you see,the Doomsday Book has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with Britain,it is an exclusively English precious relic,one that Scotland,Wales and NI have no claim to,so for the British to claim it as a relic of theirs is an utter bare faced LIE and a Hollywood style re write of the facts.

This is not mere personal opinion,but facts,facts in black and white Britain choose to ignore.

The Doomsday Book website even gives you the right answer many times,EXAMPLE BELOW


But then the wheels come off, and Britain takes the credit,that ISN’T THEIRS


It’s always a comfort to know the British Government will claim Historical treasures from other Countries as theirs,lets face it,it’s not the first time.

The use of the word England and the implication that someone actually ment to say Britain is incorrect,England,is just that…ENGLAND.

Britain,who’s birth in the early 18th Century,is the collective landmass of Wales,Scotland(Raj),England,and Northern Ireland,has no relevance to a document some 600 plus years older than it.

From bombs to bank holidays

August 3, 2006 at 8:23 pm | Posted in Humour (English), Politics, Scotland | Leave a comment

Fresh from throwing a fit about the Raj being used by the US,then deciding a bomb was more child friendly being shipped from grubby morlock infested England,those silly North Brits have gone and bloopered their own Patron Saints Day.

All cleaned up, and fresh nappies applied,they throw a pie in their own face with this little howler.

When is it again?

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