Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,ignorance is bliss

August 7, 2006 at 5:28 pm | Posted in Crazy person, England, Human Rights, Islam, Muslims, Politics, Racism, sharia law, Terrorism | Leave a comment

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,is a Women who possesses a level of ignorance, which transcends any level of stupidity previously known to Human kind.

With her medal winning way of insulting the indigenous populous, bare faced racism, and an open lack of understanding of both the Country she is so proud of pissing off, and it would appear, the crushing evidence of World history and current events.

She has again glossed over the Hellish reality that is Muslim Terrorists in their millions Worldwide, and the sea of blood, and bodies that follow them, with this, boo hoo, wah, wah, crying piece of future toilet paper.

Can anyone say, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil!!

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: “Stop this obsessive focus on Muslims

Talk about denial. She says

“What drives this relentless digging into our thoughts and desires, hopes and fears?”

Hey free World can anybody think of a reason why?

Perhaps 9/11 or 7/7,the Madrid bombings, the kidnappings, the open terror threats on the nightly news, shall I go on?

Hellish stories that only arrive with the word MUSLIM front and centre are quite literally a daily diet.

One only has to look at the news media HERE to see a fear drenched display of global terrorism and human rights violations of which many people in the World know little or nothing about.

Immediate examples of her sacred religion and it’s peaceful ways can be seen HERE regarding Muslim refusal to integrate with the wider society,or HERE,where a western Women is hounded by Muslims,or again and again and again,on and on examples of blood crime,death,rape,bombs.

Plus the obvious case,certainly in England,that we are surrounded,like sharks,by Muslims foaming at the mouth for an excuse to kill and Mame

I cannot fathom as to how Yasmin Alibhai-Brown can cry and say Muslims blow shit up because it’s OUR FAULT……?


So can anybody else point out to the Crown Princess of putting ones head in the sand and fingers in the ears going la,la,la,la,I no speaka da lingo,

Every word she says in support of terror is blood on her hands,so what does drive this relentless digging into our thoughts and desires, hopes and fears?”

Let’s all say it together shall we….MUSLIM TERRORISTS,

All Religions have issues but Islam is full to bursting with fruitcakes,Yasmin Alibhai-Brown,needs to smell what she is shovelling.

I dare say that if living in the free World is so crap,perhaps she might feel the need to relocate.

It’s all hitting the fan very very slowly

July 18, 2006 at 7:14 pm | Posted in EU/Europe, Human Rights, Muslims, sharia law, Terrorism | 1 Comment

I know it,you know it,the dog knows it,and that is England,Europe,the Western World is being poisoned on the quiet,with European Christians running for their lives,while invading Muslims march in and transform our Countries into living nightmares,like the Borg but with less dress sense,resistance is apparently futile.

The Cultural mustard gas that is Islam,is turning the World into one huge Muslim fashion parade,where everyone is anonymous,a one crazy law fits all conglomerate of honour killings,wife beatings,multiple marriage,intimidation,threats,insanity,and the Governments are letting it happen?.

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