October 10, 2005 at 7:28 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Today we see further evidence of the UK Government-AKA The Raj and their Anti English propaganda machine grinding out more filth in a blatant attack on the rights of the English to be,”well, English” in OUR own Country.

Following the recent bigoted rantings of The Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers,

Not to any sensible people, but according to Chief Inspector of Prisons, Anne Owers it could be, according to the Daily Star newspaper dated Tuesday, October 4 2005 on page 9.A section on race relations in her report said “We are concerned to see a number of staff wearing a flag of Saint George tie pin. while were told these we bought in support of a cancer charity there was a clear scope for misinterpretation.”
(quote taken from CEP blogg)

see link below for full info.


Today the next instalment of the Twilight Zone brings me to the article in the Daily Mail page 28 where Deputy Chief Fire Officer Eugene Johnson of the Wiltshire and Swindon Fire Authority removed a small England Flag sticker from the rear of an English Fire Engine because “he feared people would think it was racist”?he went further to say”it had no place on the back of the vehicle”.

This staggeringly offensive statement is in stark contrast to an article written about US Fire Trucks -see link below

In this article the tone couldn’t be more different with the Authorities bending over backwards to plaster US Flags on everything.
This blatant disregard for English Civil Rights is offensive,disgusting,and racist,YET it is reality,WE the English have no say whatsoever in our own day to day lives in England,this is not the TV show Sliders where a new alternate reality is visited every week,THIS IS REAL LIFE,if I was Scottish(or Raj to you and me),Welsh(two Jags)or anything else the CRE and all the busy body know it all pressure groups would be ripping these Anti(FILL SPACE) Racists a new one on live TV but I’m not I’m English so it’s open season for all the closet haters out there such as

“I’m no longer comfortable any more in stereotyping and deriding Anglo-Saxons. Once, as a rabid anti-imperialist (which I still am), I would have applauded anybody who publicly humiliated the English. If it was done cleverly and with panache it was even more satisfying
(quote Yasmin Alibhai Brown)

An English Parliament is the only way England and it’s people whom ever they are can have our civil rights protected and guaranteed by law to nit wits of all sorts cannot force Patriotic English people to bow down to oppressors like the British Government and their toadies.

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