Muslims try to destroy a great Girl.

November 13, 2005 at 7:14 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Muslims are making no friends yet again with more self destructive anti west anti English madness.
As reported on The Sky News website the hot Muslim girl who won The Miss England contest has been suffering at the hands of bigoted race hate religious extremist fanatics.,,70141-1202294-1,00.html Sky News Article

Miss Hammasa Kohistani who at 18 is the first Muslim to win, has been hounded by Muslim extremists who see her decision to grasp she is in the west and fit in and have a great time and not hurting anybody as un Islamic.
SO WHAT this is a great girl who’s dead fit and really smart,I support her wish to BE ENGLISH, and only wish more Muslims would wake up and do the same.
Just because she is Muslim doesn’t mean she has to hide in a corner somewhere, this is ENGLAND, it is not Saudi Arabia or some other blinkered backwater where everyone is a clone looking the same and following a narrow form of behaviour that precludes being free to live without religious handcuffs.
These Muslim minders should be removed, you don’t see people crying over Miss Secular or Miss Catholic winning the old Sharon and Tracy routine.
This constant interference in to normal life that has nothing to do with them is just digging the Muslim name a big hole to bury its credibility in.
Muslims need to grasp where they are, this is England if you don’t know where that is look it up, it is not India or Pakistan or all those other stans, if you come here YOU need to assimilate to US NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND if you don’t want to,then go and live in Scotland or Wales or even Northern Ireland and see how they like your constant meddling in things that don’t concern you.

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